Department of Microscopy, Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, Jena, Germany
Label-free sensing for biomedical diagnostics
A fast and cost-efficient identification of a variety of pathogens in different matrices represents a major challenge in medical diagnostics, pharmacy or food industry. The pathogens are usually identified by some kind of specific bio-markers such as proteins or DNA strands. In the current praxis these bio-markers has to be labelled (fluorescent tags, enzymatic tags), which requires several sample preparation steps. In our approach, we focus on label-free detection based on spectroscopy of optical nanoresonators, where the specific adsorption of the bio-markers on the resonator is associated with the shift of its resonance frequency. Excellent representatives of the optical resonators appropriate for the task are metallic nanostructures. Their plasmon resonance is in the visible light and their dimensions are close the size of the bio-markers. In the talk, all necessary steps to construct such plasmonic biosensors will be discusses. First, our strategies to fabricate the plasmonic nanostructures will be presented.1,2 Afterwards, the development of the optical instrumentation for the detection on single nanostructure or on an ensemble of nanostructures will be shown.3,4 And finally, alternative sensing principle with plasmonic structure will be discussed.5

1 A. Pittner, S. Wendt, D. Zopf, A. Dathe, N. Grosse, A. Csáki, W. Fritzsche and O. Stranik, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 2019, 411, 1537–1547.
2 M. Thiele, J. Z. E. Soh, A. Knauer, D. Malsch, O. Stranik, R. Müller, A. Csáki, T. Henkel, J. M. Köhler and W. Fritzsche, Chem. Eng. J., 2016, 288, 432–440.
3 D. Zopf, J. Jatschka, A. Dathe, N. Jahr, W. Fritzsche and O. Stranik, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2016, 81, 287–293.
4 D. Zopf, A. Pittner, A. Dathe, N. Grosse, A. Csáki, K. Arstila, J. J. Toppari, W. Schott, D. Dontsov, G. Uhlrich, W. Fritzsche and O. Stranik, ACS Sens., 2019, 4, 335–343.
5 A. Dathe, M. Ziegler, U. Hübner, W. Fritzsche and O. Stranik, Nano Lett., 2016, 16, 5728–5736.